In South Hadley there is a cool little park with a deck looking out over the Connecticut river...
Over in Hadley, many of the big old tobacco barns continue to resist the tolls of time and over-development, still standing in their broad fields...
I wasn't there to see it, but the Noho Pride Parade was by all accounts another success. It must have been one of the busiest days of the year for 'Pride and Joy', a store catering to the large LGBT population in this town...
Stopping on the bridge over I-91 that leads to the Fannie Stebbins wildlife refuge, Longmeadow's police department joined Holyoke's, Ludlow's and South Hadley's in questioning the curious fellow taking pictures in the darkness...
I certainly don't blame them for checking. A couple of years ago I participated in a huge motorcycle run/fund raiser for the family of a Ludlow man who was badly injured when a rock thrown from an overpass just like this one struck his windshield.
The wildlife refuge itself was pretty cool late at night, although every breaking twig or heavy rustle of leaves behind me had me fumbling for a flashlight and peering wide-eyed into the black woods...
Ok, whatever that was, it was big...time to go...
Great photos !...
Hi from Italy
Try calling the local police before you go out at night to take pictures, let them know who you are, your license plate #, where you plan to be and they might leave you alone?
Wow, the Mt. Tom shot is the best one yet. Love the glowing lights in the hills.
Thanks guys and helloooo Italy...
Anon, so far it hasn't gotten to a point where I would have to do that. The police have been just curious, as they should be...
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