I've read somewhere that dogs generally understand their place in the 'pack' and will accept their new rank. After much sniffing and attempted licking of the newcomer, his vigorous tail wagging and attempts to play with her confirmed a willingness to not only accept, but to also fiercely defend the new member. I found this out first hand when I stepped out for some supplies and returned to a growling gatekeeper at the front door. I gave him the password and he allowed me back inside, but continued eyeing me with much suspicion...
He's seems to understand and happily accept the new situation, and I'm confidant he'll do his part to help bring her up...
Friends, family members and well-wishers have been calling and filing by for a look at the little heart breaker and we've endured our first full night of bi-hourly, wee-hours of the night, wailing torment to resolve on our own...
...Both the first day and night at home was anxious at times; but we made it, and I think we're through the gate. This is really just the calm before the storm and we haven't seen nothin' yet, I'm sure...but, with some diminished sleep time, we're ready to handle it from here...
Kelly has the situation under control, and it's time to get back to blogging...
And to work. It was under rainy conditions and with a somewhat different perspective that I headed back to work Wednesday.
Maybe it was a combination of all the gray weather and the fact that I'm returning from such a wonderful weekend, but it struck me that many of the people I talked to throughout the day suddenly seemed so serious and glum. People are worried about the future, with good reason. Everyone's bracing for the worst. And from our perspective, we're bringing another soul into it.
But even with the wet and gloomy vibes all around, my spirits stayed un-squashed...the time seemed to fly by easily with thoughts of the little egg roll that was waiting for me when I got home.
I spent a couple hours after work in the rocking chair with her laying on my chest, her tiny warm breaths on my neck as she slept. Her three day birthday passed quietly at 8 o'clock. I thought about the future and how we will fare in it. Bad or good, there's nowhere else I want to be...
Congratulations on your beautiful new baby. Welcome to the pack.
Wonderful post. That first photo is a Classic!
Thanks Jacqueline,she will of course be joining us on our New England Travels..!
Mary, if the dog is thinking she's a potential playmate, he might be in for more than he bargained for in a few months...
She's a cutie, I love that last photo. Proud Dad, you never informed your faithful readers of her name, weight, length etc... just wonderin', that's all.
You need to put a big stuffed animal next to her in some of your pics, so every month you can retake the same pic, with the same toy, and compare how she's growing... It's a Dad thing.
Enjoy each day!
You never asked..! Her name is Lilian (agent code-name: Bloggerette) and she was born just a wisp under 7 lbs; at 6 lbs 15.9 oz...
your right, Mattenylou, we do appreciate every day...
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