The original plan was to catch the sunset from our favorite Mt. Holyoke sunset watching spot, on the western end over by the power lines; but we misjudged by a crucial several minutes the time needed to get the Bloggerette strapped in and loaded up and we missed our window of opportunity.
We're still fine tuning and tweaking the new variations on our 'get up and go' routine that Bloggerette has brought on...We'll get it down to a science again...
Rolling into a still busy Noho there was still enough light to give the sky a beautiful deep blue tint...(or hue, or tone, or whatever it's called...)
The alley and parking lot behind Starbucks and the Haymarket is always fascinating to me, for it's 'behind the curtain' look at the Main Street strip...
Getting darker now...
...we rounded the back roads and headed for the big parking garage for a look-see from up there...
The Pedal People have left one of their haulers under the steps, perhaps for storage, perhaps for advertising...
There was some advertising in the garage elevator of another sort. I happened to lean against one of the walls of the dingy lift, to the horror of Kelly who immediately advised me of my sticky peril.
Up top , there were actually a couple of nice views to be had, and the 'Full Pink Moon' was rising above the Holyoke range, so known for the appearance of the pinkish Wild Phlox about this time of year...
Down below, the buildings were fully lit up under a now still warm but blackened sky.
Stroll refreshingly done, coffee tastily drunk, pictures shakily taken, and baby fussingly tiring, it was time to head back...
OMG, the last two photos are fantastic. You're a poet of Northampton.
Tony, where is the best area in your opinion to take our dog for a nature walk/run?
tony q
Mary, I'm so glad you're a fan of the blog..!
Hey Tony, check out the "In The Valley Posts By Topic" section on the right hand column, and click the '=Rail Trails' link; any one of those is great for dogs and jogging. Our dog also loved the road up Skinner mountain we did recently; and for unpaved walks, we like to go to the 'dog park' in Northampton near where the old state hospital used to be, or any of the forest trails around Mt. Tom and Mt. Holyoke...
Happy Easter, by the way!
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