We headed for Mount Holyoke to try to gain some elevation in the hopes of rising above the hot, humid, and damp conditions that had enveloped the valley. But the fog proved impenetrable even at those heights. We were in a cloud.
Walking the pooch around the top for a bit, it was actually a beautifully dreamlike haze, though the views were absolute nill.
We loafed around until we began to get a little soaked, but I was secretly hoping the fog would begin to lift and maybe give us some cool views of the clouds breaking up below us over the countryside. Unfortunately, it didn't look too forthcoming.
We made for the summit house to bide some more time, where the fantastic Hadley 350th photo exhibit was still going on.
Fascinating stuff, both from now and then, and I was engrossed with some very old picture books about the floods of 1938...Kelly graciously gave me plenty of baby-free time to indulge myself and I managed to peruse three or four of the books they had out on the table.
But it looked like the wet wasn't going away anytime soon, and we couldn't hang around all day...
We gave it a chance, but it was time to go;
It was a good thing the exhibit was still on, otherwise this would have been less than an overly productive outing.
...although the bloggerette did get a chance to learn about the finer aspects of umbrella wielding.
Few trips are wasted ones...
What a doll! Great foggy pics, especially the one with Nemo.
Beautiful little Girl Tony!!
Thank you, she's a crowd pleaser..!
I'll bet she started dancing around with that umbrella like Gene Kelly in "Singin' in the Rain."
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