Memo: 'in the valley' owes 'About Amherst' a beer (or beers) of their choosing...Mary Carey put in a good word for me with Jaz Tupelo, radio engineer-extraordinaire, over at WHMP in Northampton.
It seems they're testing out a new concept where they record local bloggers reading a post or two from their archives; potentially for airing during one of the morning radio programs or at least for podcasting on the WHMP website. Other local yokels have already been tapped to test these new waters, and from what I've heard of it so far, the water's fine...
When I opened an email Jaz sent me last week asking if I wanted to give it a try, it made me gulp, and I replied that I wasn't sure how well such a picture-heavy blog like this one would fly on the radio. But she insisted there was nothing to worry about...
A few days later there I was: wide eyed and bewildered in a radio studio face to face with a microphone, and behind it at the controls, a smiling Jaz.
This was all new to me and I thought for sure I'd screw it up...and good. But Jaz is a very disarming sort of person and soon had me feeling at ease, at least enough to muddle through a couple pages worth. She had a couple posts printed up, about a recent dual hike up Mt. Tom.
A quick sound check, and we were off to the races.
There were a few (eh, several) flubs that I had to re-read, a few nervous pauses to gasp for air, and a couple more stops so the bloggerette could get her peace in. But by and by we got through it unscathed, although the mike took a bit of a beating....
It was over in no time and Jaz seemed satisfied that we had enough material -sans pictures- to squeeze out an audio clip, with some editing...(me being a bit of a mumble-mouth, she has her work cut out for her). But however it comes out; it was a trip. I'm glad we did it and greatly appreciated the opportunity to chip in on the expansion on the local blogosphere...
We said our thanks and good byes, and were back outside, where the Tuesday Farmers Market was still going on across the lot. We scooted over for some green foodstuffs before heading home.
There was a band playing and a relaxed-outdoorsy, early-autumny atmosphere.
We got some veggies, and the weather still being mild enough to take advantage of, we moved over a block and parked ourselves on Main St. for a little bit of people watching before heading back.
Watching the people go by as the night fell, my mind, still mostly on the cool radio-blogging experiment, began to drift to other places...
...on the warm season being nearly over, and too little biking and hiking done this year.
We'll make it up next year, with a more trail-ready bloggerette...
...on another long dark winter to endure, coming fast.
On beers owed, and the cool night finally arriving...
...and, on getting home...
Thanks, Tony! Let's definitely have a couple of beers -- and you must bring the bloggerette along! Beautiful photo of Jaz. I'm really looking forward to hearing your piece(s). They're going to be great.
Congrats on taking it to the next level! That is very cool.
nice job, still at least one hike to go.
Have you entered the "Blogerette" in any Baby Contests? Much cuter than a "Gerber Baby". Do it while she's still little. You have a "Star" on your hands. ~Anyone second that?~
Congratulations on your new media career.
Hopefully this radio blogging thing will catch on well, there's a lot of talent in the local blogosphrere to be tapped...
Anon, we thought about it, but don't think it's a good idea for her or us. Besides, if she was ever entered in something and didn't get picked, the judges would have to deal with a wrathful Kelly..!
So proud of you and can't wait to hear it. Let me know when and where we can listen!
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