Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Harvest of a Different Color

The Full Harvest Moon comes this week, peaking on Wednesday.

I used to think the Harvest Moon always came in October, (and last year it did), but actually the Harvest Moon is the full moon closest to the autumnal equinox. The traditional reason for that is that around this time the moon rises only a tiny bit later each day, affording more moonlit hours for working overtime, bringing in the harvest.

I can run, but I can't hide.

Speaking of working overtime, I've been putting off much needed painting all summer, promising myself I'd do it when it cools off in the Autumn.

It's Autumn, and sure enough, it hasn't cooled off. Not even a cloud in the sky, as evidenced by this shot in downtown Chicopee.

I've procrastinated long enough. Now I'll have to bite the bullet and "Get R' Dunn".

I'll be tethered to these implements of servitude for the foreseeable future.

It's going to chew up that precious, shortening bit of free time between work and sunset.

At least I'll be able to see that Harvest Moon rising.

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