Sunday, January 31, 2010

The World We Left Behind

The breakout from the ice cube tray of the valley was successful.

Luckily that old exciting sense of adventure and danger of getting on a plane is still there; even with all the lugging of cumbersome bags, the waits in lines, the barefooted searches and now the added 'challenges' of bringing an infant along, all conspiring to temper the thrill.

But (thankfully with my sister's help) all went well, on time and according to plan.

And luckiest of all, the bloggerette comported herself admirably; only going into squirm mode about 10-15% of the trip. All the new sights and sounds kept her mind occupied.

The thrill of travel is brand new and fresh in her 11 month old world. And soon enough, we weren't in Kansas anymore.

Strange lights and sounds, strange surroundings...

...we'd better get our explorer caps on.

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