Thursday, August 21, 2008

Forest Signs

We checked in on the Arcadia Wildlife Sanctuary the other day, to see what's doin'...

As expected, everything was lush green tranquility...

This tree has seen it's days...

And slowly turns back to earth.

Tranquility is what we were after. Without the occasional refreshing nature break, one can start feeling like...well, like...:

We went up to the bird-watching blind (that tree-house thing they got there over looking the water). On one side of the blind, you can get a squirrel's-eye view of the forest...

On the other side, the water has receded quite a bit, and the broad slow river has mostly reverted to marsh.

We didn't notice it at first glance, but across the way, there was something a little disconcerting; the browns and yellows of a season that should still be weeks away...

Hmm. Maybe the over abundance of rain and high waters somehow caused this premature display...(I hope...)

As the water receded, small pools were left behind here and there, leaving little Club-Meds for the mosquitos. Which isn't a good thing, since they say the dreaded West Nile Virus has been popping up locally. I personally don't like using it, but it might be time to start carrying around the DEET...

To Take or Put...?

...That is the question...


Mary E.Carey said...

That is the question -- funny! Did you put that little Post-it note with the "I am a hooved animal" there? Innovative.

Tony said...

They have a children's center/day care type program at Arcadia, I'm thinking one of the kids or a teacher dropped that post-it there on a walk...serendipitous!