Saturday, March 8, 2008

Got Rain?

A deluge all day. It was a good day for doing nothing, if you were so disposed. A good day to take a nap and make up for lost time, as we spring our clocks ahead one hour Sunday Morning. Thankfully, Daylight Savings begins early this year. One more hallmark of the fast approaching Spring. Like this Robin I saw Thursday:

The temps have been flirting in the 50 degree range, and all kinds of wildlife are emerging.

Firemen took advantage of the warming trend by doing maintenence on their ladder truck.
Unbelievable reach on those things...

I don't typically get up with the sun, though I wish I had that habit. So for me, Daylight Savings is a good thing, I love it when it's still light out at 8:30-9 PM during the middle of summer. There's plenty of time to do stuff after work. As far as I'm concerned, we can keep it that way all year. What's more depressing than darkness at 4:30 in the middle of winter? Here's a good website on DST. And here's the always informative Wikipedia's take on it.

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